Lana Leguía is a 32 year old resident of Sussex County. She and her husband are avid antique collectors, renovating a home in their spare time. Their plan is to eventually become proprietors of a bed & breakfast farmstead. Lana loves nature, raising animals and philosophy. She owns 6 dogs, 2 cats, chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs and one turtle.
A lifelong advocate of individual liberty, Lana currently is VP of Political Affairs for the New Jersey Libertarian Party, the NJ chapter leader for Ladies of Liberty Alliance, and volunteers with other grass roots efforts to bring Liberty to New Jersey. Lana ran for her local school board in 2023, receiving 46% of the vote.
Lana comes from a political family. She is the great great granddaughter of the former President of Peru, Augusto B. Leguía. Though Augusto B. and Lana have diametrically opposing philosophies and political goals, Lana hopes to continue the legacy of public service to her country and community.
Why are you running for Congress?
I am a liberty activist because I want to bring liberty to New Jersey, to this country and to my neighbors. I am running for office because I know the biggest threat to individual liberty is our bloated government. Corruption, power and war are our current leaders. I want the home that I live in, the one that was built on a vision of freedom, to live up to its reputation. I want people to keep the money they earn, for the State to stay out of our lives, and for elected officials to be arbiters of peace.
How long have you lived in New Jersey?
Since 2017.